Thursday 20 December 2012

How to: Accessing


So, the piratebay is the most resilient torrent website on earth, it seems.

The first time the original was banned, then users started to use its ip address to access it. So, its ip address too was banned.

Then, they got a solution, a proxy website(

The website was run by the Pirate Party UK, a fringe political party, and acted as a proxy gateway to the Pirate Bay, which broadband providers blocked earlier this year after a High Court order.

So, then I started to search Google on how to access the piratebay.

A couple of searches and then I got a Google page having an option to view a cached copy of the website homepage.

I then used it search for torrents. It led me to the page:

This link is still alive and works well.

You can use it to access the website.

Happy to help.

A. B. B. S.